2012 Top Job Search Resolutions!

Happy 2012!  I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday with friends and family!

Now that the festivities are over, it’s time to buckle down and think about putting any resolutions you made for the new year into action.  If you happen to be in the market for a career change, consider mixing up your job search with these 5 resolutions for the new year!

1.  I will use social media to job search.  Make sure you’re liking and following companies you’re interested in working for to stay up to date on new openings and news they publish on their social media feeds.  Traditional job boards are just as important as ever to keep checking, but don’t discount the growing importance of social media in job hunting.

2.  I will reach out to new contacts on LinkedIn. Because you never know where your next employment lead will come from, make sure you put yourself out there!  Stay active on your LinkedIn network by engaging in group discussions and connecting with new professionals in your city.  Ask colleagues and friends to write you recommendations and introduce you to new connections.

3.  I will not let my resume get stale. Keep your resume fresh and updated with these resume must haves.

4.  I will send thank you emails/notes to interviewers.  These small, personal touches show that you genuinely care and are interested in the position you applied for.  Send them within a day of the interview and mention your interviewers by name.   If you didn’t get the contact information for one or more of the managers you spoke with, try to find it online or call and see if the receptionist will give it to you.

5. I will learn a new skill.  Whether it’s an online class, tutorial, local college class, or having a friend or family member teach you something new, try to learn how to do something new related to your field of interest.  Staying sharp on your skills shows you’re invested in your field and can be a great point to mention during an interview.

What are your job resolutions for 2012??